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No School for Remaining of School Year 2019 -2020

(Recurring Event) Selected event date: //

(Source: District Calendar )


UPDATES: March 25, 2020 School Closure for Remaining of School Year. Below are summary notes from the State Board of Education's meeting today. They did vote to close school buildings until the end of the year. They will be sending Districts a plan for distance learning. As soon as we get that and modify it for our students we will get that information to you. We are hoping that is by this weekend. Distance learning will start on Monday, April 6 and go until May 8. The suspension of in-person instruction and extracurricular activities does not apply to staff needed for nutrition services, essential core services (governance, HR, billing, maintenance and continuity of building functions, staff to maintain building access control and security measures, student enrollment) and staff to support distance learning. CDC health and safety guidance must be followed. Now until April 6, districts should focus on preparing distance learning plans. Districts can convene professional development consistent with the order. All districts will be required to create and submit a distance learning plan. If districts use the state Education Department’s distance learning resources, approval will be expedited. SDE expects to send its distance learning resources and framework to schools by the end of the week. Graduation credits are a local board decision, and districts are encouraged to ensure the crisis is not punitive toward student grades or graduation standing. It's important to note that Superintendent Hofmeister and board members emphasized their understanding that not all schools and families have technology access, and schools' distance learning plans should be based on local needs and resources. Distance learning can be in a manner that is not technology based. School calendar: The board waived the 180-day/1,080-hours requirement. Districts will not be required to make up days missed for the public health emergency. State education officials said districts are expected to continue instructional services through the May 8-15 window. Districts can extend instructional serves beyond that date. Six-hour instructional day: With the shift to remote learning, districts will not be required to offer a six-hour school day.